Power point is a high powered and versatile software used for presenting information in a dynamic slide shows format.High powered means that you can change the font style, size and colour.Versatile menas that in your silde,you can insert picture, sound, video or event link to other file or website and a dynamic slide show is slide that can move which can be made by using slide transition or slide animation.
Tips for Creating an Ideal Power Point
- Font: choose a suitable font that is easy to read and stick to one or two types of fonts
- Font size: bulleted items should no smaller than 22 points while the title should be not smaller than 28 points.
- Bullets: make sure a bullet can be written with 1 line content only.Limit the num of your bullets in a screen to six,and four if there is a large title , logo or picture.
- Caps and italics: do not used all capital letter because it is hard to read and make sure that italics can only be used for quotes
- colors: this is the important part because wrong choice of color can distract audience to stay focused.Choose green or blue that are mellower but not as attention grabbing
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